Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy July

Wow, it's already July, I can't believe how fast the summer is flying by! We have had a pretty uneventful week. Matty caught a little nose cold somehow, so he has been pretty stuffed up. This means that he doesn't sleep good...for the past 2 nights, he has gotten up about every 20-30 minutes, until about 3am, when he finally gets into a decent sleep until about 6am. Yikes. Needless to say, I'm pretty tired. His nose is better today, but I'm not counting on a good night of sleep yet. Too bad we aren't allowed to give babies anything other than saline solution & suctioning when their noses are running! Other than that, he has been pulling up on stairs, toys, chairs, etc, which keeps us on our toes. His new favorite word is "ball". He repeats this multiple times in a row, pretty cute. Here he is today, getting pretty excited for his first 4th of July in the outside world! Stan, on the other hand, is not looking forward to the 4th. He is very scared of the sound of fireworks. I think that the 4th is tied with Halloween for Stan's least favorite holidays (he doesn't enjoy the doorbell ringing constantly either!)

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