Tuesday, August 18, 2009


We have been extremely busy this past week because...we sold our home in just 6 days! Wow, I still really can't believe it. Our buyers had one stipulation, that they wanted us out by the end of the month...their kids had to start school in the BV district, so we conceded. Therefore, we had to quickly start looking for houses, which is a very tedious process. We bought one over the weekend, and we won't take possession until Oct 2. So, we will live with my parents for the month in-between. Matty has been helping me with packing this week...so far, I have finished the dining room and most of the kitchen, and I'll move on to bedrooms next!

On another note, Matty had a great visit with his Parents as Teachers friend Amy today. He is still chatting up a storm, pulling up on furniture, clapping his hands, and recently...turning the pages of books. He is reallly into books right now! He is also looking forward to the start of football season. Here he is sporting a new Mizzou jersey, which his Great Uncle Ronnie and Great Aunt Mary sent!

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