Thursday, February 25, 2010

Last Synagis

Thank goodness, Matty received his last Synagis shots for this season. We are both tired of going to the doctor every 4 weeks! He only gained 2.5 oz this time...I didn't think that he could top the last big weight gain! Once again, we had to wait for the doctor for over an hour in the little room. Very hard to keep him amused for that long! I finally asked a nurse what was going on, and his doc finally came in a little bit after that. He also got the last Hep A shot, so he received 3 in total. The only shot that he has left for his 2 year appt will be the MMR. This is the shot that scares me the most. For a while, the drug company used to break the shot up into 3 parts, but then went back to putting the 3 parts together. Supposedly, the drug company won't answer any questions as to why they won't break it up anymore. I guess I have a few months to do more research. It just seems that these little ones have to get so many shots!

On a happier note, Matty can pick out every one of his bath tub animals when I ask him. He can identify the horse, cow, sheep, dog, cat, goat, frog, duck. He is very proud of himself when he selects the correct animal!

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