Thursday, June 13, 2013

Gezer Park

Today, we visited a park that we haven't been to in a long time.  The last time we were there, the playground equipment looked too big and scary, but this time, the boys loved it!  There were different levels of slides, bridges, and tunnels to crawl through.  Plus, there were swings, a teeter totter, a sand area, running water and waterfalls, and Matty's favorite, a marble maze!  He was really good at navigating the marbles through the maze with all the gears, and then he was teaching other children how to do it too.  One mom even thanked him for sharing with her daughter, and for showing her how to use the different gears!

Zach loved the teeter totter!
He loved going really high!
The sand diggers were a hit.

The wildlife was beautiful.
The infamous marble maze.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Matty and Zach are so lucky that their parents take them to so many neat places .... making memories is so much fun!