Sunday, July 13, 2014


The boys had their yearly well check-ups on Wednesday morning.  Matty was excited and Zach was apprehensive.  Matty got another polio shot and an MMR shot, and he didn't even flinch.  They both did great for Dr S!

Matty's 6 year stats:

weight: 49.4 lbs (68%)...he gained 7.2 lbs this year!

height: 47.75 inches (85%)...he grew 3.55 inches this year.  Unbelievable that he is taller than 85 out of 100 boys who were born in May '08, when his actual due date wasn't until Sep '08!

Zach's 4 year stats:

weight: 32.2 lbs (22%)...he gained 2.2 lbs since his last check-up, which was 10 months ago.

height: 41.25 inches (82%)...he grew 2.08 inches and continues to be a very tall, thin boy.

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