Sunday, August 11, 2019

2019 Vinzant/Cosnotti Junior Golf Tournament

The boys were excited to participate once again in the largest junior golf tournament in the midwest!  Matt had to tee off at 6:30am on Monday, and Zach went off later, around noon.  The boys both did great on day 1...Matt shot a 48 and Zach shot a 34.  After day 1, Zach was in overall 1st place!  On day 2, Matt shot a career-best 44 and went into the lead for his flight.  Zach shot a 37 and maintained the overall lead.  Going into day 3, Zach had a 6-stroke lead over the boy in 2nd place.  Unfortunately, thunderstorms moved in during Matt's early round, and the tournament was officially called after 2 rounds.  We went back to the course for the trophy presentations around noon.  Matt won 1st place in his flight and Zach was once again the overall 1st place winner of the Championship Flight for his age group!  Great job boys!

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