Sunday, January 31, 2010


Matty has been practicing how to say a few colors. He can now say blue, red, yellow, & purple. The most exciting part is that he can identify blue items and red items. He brought a red toy to me this morning and said 'red'. If I ask him to bring me a blue car, he goes over to his Chucks trucks and picks out the blue one. He has also been practicing with crayons. We were out to dinner last night, and he had fun drawing on the paper table cloth for a little while. Then, he wanted to play with straws, sugar packets, water glasses...but at least he was well behaved! Here he is hamming it up...

1 comment:

Hua said...

I am so excited for Matty. That is great news to hear. I am new to your blog and I have enjoyed reading your archive and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

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