Friday, June 11, 2010


So, Matthew's overactive gag reflex is still rearing its ugly head. Since he was a preemie and was intubated for 7 weeks, his upper pallet is very high, and food tends to get stuck up there. Some days go by with no incidents, but then others are more frustrating. Today, he was eating his lunch and a piece of mac & cheese set off 2 throwups. I know that I have to be patient as he slowly outgrows this, but it really gets old cleaning up the kitchen floor and getting him a change of clothes. And he still isn't very solid with a sippy cup. Most times, he's ok, but once in a while he will choke on the liquid. I need to keep it in the grand scheme of everything, his eating isn't that big of a deal. He is a healthy, active boy, and will just have to outgrow this! On a lighter note, here are a few pics from the past 2 days. We have mostly been inside trying to stay cool!

1 comment:

Jenn Ross said...

I feel you!! Hope tomorrow is a less pukey day!!