Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gymnastics Class

We had a nice weekend...we went out to dinner on Saturday, and then visited the NICU on Sunday to bring cupcakes for Matty's 2nd birthday. We saw several of our nurse friends there, whom we will always love. Matty was a bit shy but waved to the nurses before we left. We took him to the pool later that day, and he went into the big pool for the first time with Jeremy. He loved kicking his feet and watching all of the kids around him. Yesterday, he attended his first gymnastics class. It was a bit chaotic, about 20 kids & 20 parents and only 3 teachers...but he liked the balance beam and the giant parachute the best. There were only 3 boys in total, so pretty good odds for the little guy!

1 comment:

Jenn Ross said...

Where are you guys doing gymnastics? We are going to pinacle! I wish they were closer in age so they could be in the same class! I think jameson's class is for kids up to 18 months old. Matty is the cutest! It was good seeing you guys last weekend!!