Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Up and Down

Matty now loves to walk down the stairs all by himself. He says 'up and down' and goes for it. He's usually pretty good with holding on to the railing, but I am still paranoid about him falling. He has also finally started to enjoy watching cartoons. Every morning, he watches Dora and Spongebob. I got a pic of him sitting on the couch and contently watching one of his favorite shows today. On a side note, I just made a new milk shake concoction out of chocolate milk and yogurt. Since Matty went on strike against bottles, the only way I can get milk into him is to make milk shakes, which he eats with spoons. His food OT told me once that some little ones only like milk in bottles and water in sippy cups. Jeremy and I were never big milk drinkers, but I still want Matty to get milk, even if it has to be in disguise.

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