Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Birthday (Again)

It's hard to believe that today is already my birthday. How quickly this past year has flown by! I think back to last year...Matty was just home from a week's stay in the hospital due to his aspiration episode, he was on oxygen and monitors, multiple medications, and weighed only 8 lbs. This year, he is an active little guy who motors around everywhere, loves to read books, and is turning into a toddler right before my eyes! This morning was pretty crazy around here. The feeding OT had visited last week and told me to start trying him on new foods. She highly recommended eggs, since they are 80 calories a pop. So, I scrambled up an egg along with some whipping cream and cheese, and then blended it up in the magic bullet, since Matty isn't too great with textures yet. Right after he ate, his cheeks had some red bumps on them. About 1.5 hours later, I noticed that he had hives all over his back, legs, arms and he was very uncomfortable due to all of the itching. I freaked out, called his ped's office, and a nurse told me to give him some liquid benadryl and a cold bath. I flew to the pharmacy to buy the meds, came home and gave him a quick cold bath w/ corn starch (which he screamed through) and then tried to give him the meds in a bottle, which he wouldn't take because he was so angry. I had to literally throw the stuff down his throat! Luckily, my parents came over to help. My Dad calmed him down with multiple nursery rhymes and sesame street voices. He took a short nap and now seems to be doing fine. But a very scary morning to say the least! Here is a pic from 1 year ago today, along with the most recent pic of the 2 of us together.


The Maggard Family said...

oh my... sounds like a scarey morning for you! glad he is better! I wonder if it was the eggs?? I know I cant believe it has been a year already too. Crazy. Hope you all are doing well and would love to chat sometime soon! I am starting to get stir crazy (already) in the house. Happy Birthday momma! Talk to you soon!
Allison and Sophia
Tell Matty Sophia says hi!

Jamie said...

Glad he's better Alison. That benadryl is amazing stuff. Camryn blew up on us a couple of times with different sunblocks one summer. Scary stuff.

Hope you were able to still salvage some of your birthday.