Thursday, October 14, 2010

1 Month Checkup

Zach had his 1 month checkup today at the pediatrician's office. To my complete surprise, he weighed in at 9 lbs 14 oz (43rd percentile)! This was over a 3 lb gain in just 4 weeks and a couple of days. He is now 21.5 inches long (47th percentile). I knew that the little guy had gotten bigger, but I was thinking that he was only around 8 lbs right now. His doc said that he was doing really well, and he only had to get 1 shot. However, next time, he is due for 4 SHOTS. I am not kidding. I remember when Matty was 2 months old in the NICU, and he had to receive 4 shots all at once. 2 nurses came in and gave him the shots all at once so that he only had to feel pain 1 time. Zach's doc agreed to split the 4 shots in half, but I had to sign a waiver that I agreed to this. I know that vaccinations are important, but it seems like the little ones have to recieve so many shots when they are so small. Anyhow, we are so thankful that Zach is doing well! Here are some pics of the guys from this afternoon:

1 comment:

Jeannie Spiegelberg said...

The boys are so cute.I love your updates! Jeannie